WrityWall Blog Marketing 6 Common Errors with Creating an Infographic and How to Avoid Them

6 Common Errors with Creating an Infographic and How to Avoid Them


Are you looking to invest in marketing through infographics?

This marketing technique delivers a ton of value for businesses. Yet, as with anything, mistakes can sometimes be made.

If you don’t have the right info, your infographic won’t perform as it should. It’ll be a waste of time and money.

Want to avoid these mistakes? Want to know how to create an infographic that provides value?

Here are the common errors with creating an infographic that you should know about.

1. Overwhelming Design

One of the most common mistakes is cramming too much info into a single infographic. Remember, the goal is to present info in a visually engaging way, not to overload your audience. Keep it simple and focused on the main message you want to convey.

Use concise text, relevant icons, and graphics that support your key points. Remember, less is often more when it comes to infographic design.

2. Lack of Clarity

Another mistake is creating an infographic that lacks clarity. Your audience should be able to understand the information at a glance. Avoid using complex jargon or convoluted explanations.

Use clear and simple language that everyone can understand. Arrange your content in a logical flow, leading the viewer from one point to another. Ensure that your visuals and text work together seamlessly to tell a coherent story.

3. Poor Color Choices

Color plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of an infographic. However, using too many colors can make it difficult to read and visually unappealing. Stick to a limited color palette that complements your content and ensures readability.

Use contrasting infographic color options for text and backgrounds to enhance legibility. A well-thought-out color scheme will make your infographic more visually appealing and memorable.

4. Inconsistent Visual Style

Maintaining a consistent visual style is vital for creating a cohesive design. Avoid using different graphic styles or mixing too many fonts for infographics.

Choose a consistent set of icons, fonts, and other design elements. This will help maintain visual harmony. This will help guide your audience’s focus and create a polished, unified infographic.

5. Lack of Data Accuracy

Infographics are often used to present data. It’s crucial to ensure the accuracy of the information you include.

Double-check your facts, statistics, and sources to avoid misleading or incorrect information. Make sure your data is up to date and from reliable sources. Providing accurate info will build trust with your audience.

6. Neglecting Mobile-Friendly Design

Neglecting mobile users can lead to a significant part of your audience missing out. Optimize your infographic for different screen sizes.

This will ensure that it remains readable and visually appealing on smaller devices. Test your infographic on various devices as well.

With this, you can ensure that it will work well across different platforms. This is why you need to find the-best free infographic maker option that can help you accomplish this. 

Avoid These Errors With Creating an Infographic

Be sure to avoid the common errors with creating an infographic mentioned above. By doing so, creating an effective infographic will be easier than ever. Think objectively about the audience and objectives and back up claims with facts.

In the end, you’ll have an infographic that engages audiences and drives results! Give it a try today!

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