WrityWall Blog Travel How to Find the Best Carnival Rides for Your Event

How to Find the Best Carnival Rides for Your Event

Planning an upcoming celebration and thinking of bringing in some carnival rides to amplify the fun? Renting amusement parkstyle attractions can take your event to the next level. With so many options to sort through, it pays to do your research to ensure you find rides that will thrill your guests without going over budget. This guide will walk you through key factors to consider when selecting rides and provide helpful questions to ask potential vendors.

Assess Your Venue and Attendance

First, take into account the size of your event space and the expected turnout. Are you hosting an intimate family reunion of 50 or a festival with 500+? Make sure to choose rides like this Cyclone swing ride, sized appropriately for your location that can safely accommodate demand. If attendance is high, look for multiple units of the same ride to prevent long queues.

For outdoor venues, ensure electrical access can support multiple rides running simultaneously. Indoor spaces may require lower profile attractions that fit room dimensions. When vetting rides, ask suppliers about details like minimum area and outlet requirements to confirm compatibility. 

Consider Thrill Factor and Variety

Identify rides that are best aligned with your audience and diversity across thrill levels. Mix gentle options like carousels with medium intensity attractions like Power Surge swings and more extreme choices like Zero Gravity upside down spins.

Catering to both kids and adults? Seek out family-friendly classics alongside options tailored more towards teens and risk-taking participants. Ask vendors about height, age, and safety restrictions to curate a line-up suitable for your crowd.

Assess Safety and Maintenance Records

There’s no room for cutting corners when lives are at stake on moving amusement attractions. Only work with insured companies with sterling safety records and protocols.

Request maintenance logs and inspection certificates to verify regular upkeep procedures. All devices should be examined daily pre-use to check hydraulics, mechanics, safety harnesses, etc. Evidence of repairs for defects or damage should demonstrate the provider’s commitment to passenger welfare.

Get Itemized Quotes and Ask About Add-Ons

Once you’ve selected tentative rides, request quotes outlining all costs—delivery/pickup, setup/breakdown, operation staffing, insurance fees, fuel surcharges, etc. Be wary of dirt-cheap bids that seem too good to true. Reputable businesses will have higher rates tied to top-grade equipment and employees.  

Secure Contracts with Cancellation Clauses

Before signing any contracts, scrutinize the details thoroughly. Ensure the language holds the rental company accountable for incident resolution, damage, theft, late arrival, or other issues. Also, confirm cancellation policies that refund deposits if necessary due to severe weather, low RSVPs, or other extenuating circumstances forcing event changes. Outline payment schedules and usage timeframe specifics in meticulous detail as well.

Arrange Walkthrough Meetings Pre-Event

A week or so prior, meet on-site with the vendor team that will manage ride operations. Verify the equipment’s condition, discuss setup plans, and identify power sources, anchor points, or other pertinent logistics. Having suppliers see the venue layout can help troubleshoot obstacles proactively, plus building rapport in person often incentivizes diligent customer service.

Cross-Check Safety Procedures and Certifications

Use the final walkthrough as an opportunity to validate employee expertise and protocol preparedness. Request that staff demonstrate restraint checking procedures and quiz them on the steps to take if the equipment malfunctions. Review safety documentation like up-to-date insurance and licenses as well to tie up any final due diligence before attendees inundate the scene.

By taking the time to thoroughly evaluate your space, guests, and options—and ask key questions about operational procedures—finding carnival rides ready to launch your event into a whirling success can be a smooth and thrilling process.

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